Got Into College? Now What?
What's in a major?

What should I major in? Do I need to declare one now? Both of these questions are very common, though they have a few caveats. In short, yes, you do need to declare a major. However, you are free to change it until you have accumulated a certain number of credit hours (usually 60 since this is the relative number of General Education credits you need to graduate). Despite this, you are free to change your major as many times as you desire as long as you are on track to graduate and have the room to meet certain prerequisites. Some schools may even offer "Exploratory" majors that allow you to spend a couple of semesters exploring your options in interests before making a commitment to a program. Please do keep in mind that some majors are limited access or must be applied to at the time of your application, so remember to research ALL of your options.
Building your first schedule
Choosing your first classes can be a daunting first task especially if you haven't declared a major. To stay on the safe side, it is best to fill your first 2-3 semesters with General Education courses. Though, if you have some sort of an idea of what you want to major in, look at the required credit hours and "elective slots" that are available. These can give you more room to take "fun" or interesting classes. Some colleges have "academic maps" to show students what to expect while in that specific program.


Many schools will have newly admitted student fill out a housing contract early on in the registration process. Meaning, that the sooner you sign the contract, the more options you will have regarding the location and type of dorm you will receive. As for roommates, it is best to mutually select a roommate so you are familiar with the person. Random roommates are an options, however this may increase the likelihood of a roommate conflict (though conflicts can arise with any roommate).